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How to Make Barefoot Baby Sandals

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I love it when a little one wears matching sandals or shoes with her dress. But I love it, even more, when they wear barefoot sandals on their chubby little feet.


how to make baby barefoot sandals


Barefoot sandals are something that I loved making. But for some reason, I couldn’t whip up a tutorial on how to make it. I had this in mind for a long time now and here I am with a simple tutorial on how to make  DIY barefoot sandals.


how to make baby barefoot sandals


how to make baby barefoot sandals


These sandals don’t need a lot of things to make. You can make them with store-bought flowers if you need a quick- one. You can also make your own flowers ( like I did) with fabric or tulle in any color of your choice. Use pearls or stones to embellish them and lo you have a lovely looking pair to adorn those little feet!


If you would like to learn how to DIY cute clips for your little one, click on the picture below:



How to Make Barefoot Baby Sandals


Supplies Needed:


Tulle fabric pieces in the desired color for the flower ( you may use two store-bought chiffon, tulle, or cotton flowers instead).


5/8- inch fold-over elastic- 16- inches or less, depending on the size you are making.


Small felt pieces in matching color.


Ornamental pearls or stones.


Needle and matching thread.




Glue gun.


You will need to cut your elastic according to the lengths given below:


0-3 months-2.5” (cut 4).

3-6 months-3” (cut 4).

6-9 months-3.5” (cut 4).

9-12 months-4” (cut 4).


Gather your supplies.


Cut 10 circles, approximately 3- inches in diameter from the tulle fabric (I used a lid to mark and cut out the circles).


Take one of the tulle circles and fold it in half.


Fold again by 1/3rd of the semi-circle.


Fold once more. Thread your needle and secure the folds by a few knots at the center. Your first petal for the flower is ready. * Note: Do not cut the thread off. You will be threading the 9 petals of the flower here in a row.


Make the second petal in a similar manner and thread it next to the first one, along the center.


Keep threading all the 9, till you get a line of petals.


Next,  bring the needle to the first petal, insert it at the center and pull the thread to form the flower.


Your flower will look like this. Secure it again by a few knots at the center.


Take your pearl and sew it to the center of the flower.


Take the remaining tulle circle and hot- glue it to the underside of the flower ( this would form a base to attach the elastic.


Cut two pieces of elastic for your desired size( two pieces are needed for one of the sandals).


Apply hot glue along the two edges.


Glue it the underside of the flower, across the center.


Take the next elastic, apply hot glue along the edges, and secure it just next to the first one; but this time with the raw edges of the elastic, facing the center of the flower.


Cut one felt circle, 2-inches in diameter, and hot glue it to the underside of the flower, covering the edges of the elastic.


And your barefoot sandals are done!


Have a look at the webstory for the post here, Free Baby Barefoot Sandal Tutorial

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Nyakno Udo

Tuesday 20th of June 2023

This is so nice