If you are like me who doesn’t like to carry handbags wherever you go, you will like our small purse pattern. This free purse sewing pattern has two slots and will suffice to carry your money, credit cards, and some coins.
And despite all the space and convenience, you’ll still find it compact enough to squeeze into a pocket or bag for a busy day or a night out!
This is one of the cute small purses that can be quickly whipped up from just two pieces of fabric and some interfacing. There are no multiple pieces to be attached and the pockets are formed by just folding the fabrics.
This small purse is so cute that it can make perfect gifts for someone you love! They can be made from your leftover fabric scraps and wouldn’t take much time to sew. So come on, grab your notions and let’s get started!
If you would like to see how to make a divided tote bag, click on the picture below:
Purse Sewing Pattern Free – Easy Pattern
Supplies Needed:
Medium-weight fabric scraps for the purse main and lining.
Medium-weight interfacing.
Small button or KAM snaps in matching colors.
Sewing Notions.
Pattern pieces
- Enter your e-mail address and click the subscribe button to download the pattern pieces.
****The seam allowance is 3/8″ unless otherwise specified.
If you would like to learn about 50 sewing hacks that would change your life, head over to allfreesewing.com here
Find the webstory for the post here, Small Purse Sewing Project with Downloadable Template
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Wednesday 2nd of August 2023
What a fantastic pattern and tutorial. I wasn't sure how the pockets were going to work before turning it, but it was a little bit of magic when I did. Thanks for this!
Wednesday 5th of July 2023
Pattern doesn't download.
Wednesday 12th of July 2023
Kindly enter your e-mail address and click the subscribe button in the blue box provided to download the pattern.
Thursday 15th of December 2022
Loved it special for granddauters
Thursday 8th of December 2022
I made this for my grand daughter for Christmas. I thought after drawing the 1" line, the next step was somewhat confusing, by just looking at the picture, but I finally figured it out. Other than that it went together very easy and was a quick sew. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
Tuesday 6th of December 2022
What is the seam allowances for this pattern?
Tuesday 6th of December 2022
The seam allowance is 3/8- inch unless otherwise specified.