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The Easiest Sewing Pattern for a Christmas Stocking

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This sewing pattern for a Christmas stocking is sure to brighten your mantle this holiday season. Our DIY tutorial on how to make stockings for Christmas is designed to complement any home decor style.


christmas stockings sewing pattern (4)


This is the easiest sewing pattern for a Christmas stocking that you will find. There are no separate cuffs for this stocking pattern; the cuffs are made from two sets of stocking-shaped pieces that are stitched together and folded over.


christmas stockings sewing pattern (5)


The pattern is designed with a hanging loop, ready to hang the stockings on the fireplace and Christmas tree, filled with gifts to create beautiful holiday memories for kids as well as adults!


christmas stockings sewing pattern (5)


christmas stockings sewing pattern (5)


This is one of the sewing patterns for Christmas stockings that may be used to sew a finished product with space for gifts, including candies, chocolates, toys, and children’s cards. It also makes a wonderful Christmas present for loved ones or friends. It has ample room for tiny items such as small toys, chocolates, watches, folding wallets, and gift cards.


The Easiest Sewing pattern for a Christmas Stocking


Supplies Needed:

Medium-weight cotton fabric in a desired print and color for the stocking outer- and lining 1/2 yard each

Sewing Notions.

Stocking template. * Enter your e-mail address and click the subscribe button to download the template:




christmas stocking sewing pattern

Gather your supplies. Here I have used the polka dot fabric for the stocking outer and the striped fabric for the stocking lining.



Fold the fabric with the right sides together and place the template above it. Cut around the template.


pattern for a christmas stocking

You will get two stockings outer pieces, facing opposite directions.


pattern for a christmas stocking

Similarly, cut the lining pieces.


pattern for a christmas stocking

Keep the two stockings outer layered, with the right sides together, lining up the edges and pin all around. Repeat with the lining pieces.




how to sew a christmas stocking

Sew around the pinned edges.


how to sew a christmas stocking

Clip the edges to reduce the bulk in the seam.


how to sew a christmas stocking

Bring the right side out for the stocking outer and keep the lining on its wrong side.


Push the outer into the lining.


Line up the top edges and put clips or pins all around.


Sew around the top edges, leaving an opening of about 2- inches to turn the right side out.


Pull the right side out through the opening.


This is how it will look like.


Push the lining into the outer, tuck the raw edges in, and press to make it clean and crisp.


Topstitch around the top edge.


Fold the top edge towards the outside by 2- inches and press to set. Your stocking cuff is formed.


Next, we make the loop for hanging.


1)Take one fabric piece, 5- inches long and 2- inches wide.
2) Fold the two long edges towards the wrong side by 1/2- inch and press to set.
3) Fold in half lengthwise and press again.
4) Sew it shut along the edge of the folds.


Fold the loop in half, keep it on the cuff, along the inside and sew back and forth a few times to secure it.


Your Christmas stocking is ready for use!


Find the webstory for the post here, Festive Fun: Free Christmas Stocking Pattern

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how to sew christmas stocings (7)


If you would like to read about sewing as stress relief, click here!

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Monday 9th of December 2024

Thank you I needed this pattern for stockings