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Cape with Hood Sewing Pattern, Hooded Cape, Halloween Costume

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Sew this easy hooded cape for your little girl and let her tame the heart of the wolf! This pattern is of a double-sided cape that can be sewn with cotton fabric on both sides or with fleece or corduroy on one side and cotton on the other.
It can thus be made as a perfect Halloween costume or as an ideal over-clothing in cooler weather. Sewn with fleece, it would be perfect outerwear to keep your little girl warm and cozy during winter.
Given the templates and detailed instructions, this is a simple pattern which any novice seamstress can try as her beginner project! With the given measurements, you can sew the cape for 4 to 7-year-olds.


If you would love to sew a fringed fleece poncho, click on the picture below:



Material Requirements

  • Cotton Fabric for the cape- 2 & ¼ yards.


  • Cotton fabric of a contrasting color for the cape lining- 2 & ¼ yards.


  • One-inch satin ribbon- 1 to 1 & ½ yard.


  • Sewing Notions.


  • Enter your e-mail address in the box provided below to download the template.


All the fabrics used here are 45 inches in width.


The fabrics shown here are only for illustration purposes and as such may vary from the original.


The seam allowance is ½-inch unless otherwise specified.


I suggest you read the entire pattern once before starting to get a general idea.


All seams are to be pressed flat


All seams are to be finished by zig-zag or serger.



Take two pieces from the cape fabric 36.5-inches long and layer them. Fold breadthwise, aligning the edges. Mark the cape length as 18.5-inches from the top corner as shown above by the black point.


Move the tape and keep it at the same corner, but the other end of the tape a little away from the first point and again mark the cape length. Again move the tape a little away from the second point and mark the third point.


Repeat the steps to get one more point and finally the last point along the edge as shown above.


Now we need to mark the neckline of the cape.


Cut the template for the neckline at the end of this PDF and keep the template on the fold as shown above. Mark it as shown by the black line.


Connect the lower points also by a line; you will get a curved line. Now you have two curved lines; one marked by the template and another large one at the lower part of the fabric.


Cut along the two curved lines. Discard the fabric outside the smaller and larger curves. Now you get your two cape pieces; front and back.


Cut the front cape piece into two equal halves as shown above.


Now take the two front pieces and keep them over the back piece with the right sides together and aligning the straight and curved edges as shown above. Sew along the two side seams as marked by the red line.


Take the fabric for the cape lining and cut the front and back cape pieces by repeating the above steps. Join them in the same way as the above.


We need to attach the ties to the front cape piece.


Take the ribbon pieces, referring to the measurement, and cut it into two equal pieces. Now pin it along the upper edge of the front opening as shown in the picture. Sew the ties onto the cape.


Lets cut the hood pieces.


Cut the template for the hood at the end of this pdf and keep it on the cape fabric. Mark and cut to get one of the hood pieces. You will require one more of the pieces from the same fabric. Note:  If your fabric has a right side and a wrong side, cut one piece on the right side and the other on the wrong side.


Your hood pieces will look like this.


Cut the hood pieces from the lining fabric also.


Let’s sew the hood.


Take the two hood pieces, layer them with the right sides together, and aligning the edges. Sew along the curved edge as marked above.


Repeat the steps with the hood lining also.


Now keep the hood on its wrong side and the hood lining on its right side and slip the lining into the hood as shown above.


Align the edges and pin all around the straight edge. 


Sew along the straight edge, leaving a 2-inch gap (to turn it inside- out), removing the pin as you go.


Pull the right side out through the opening.



Push the lining piece into the hood.


Level out the folds and the wrinkles and press the edges taut, tucking in the raw edges.


Topstitch along the straight edge to make it look neater.


Now we need to attach the hood to the cape piece.


Pin the neckline of the hood along the neckline of the cape, on is the wrong side  as shown above.



Sew the hood onto the cape, removing the pin as you go.


Now we need to attach the cape piece and the inner lining together.


Keep the cape piece and the cape lining layered, with the right sides together, aligning the opening and curved edges and pin (note that now the hood is inside the cape and its lining). Sew the two pieces together along the black lines marked above, leaving an opening of about 5-6 inches to turn the cape right side out.


Pull the right side out through the opening. Level out the folds and the creases with your hand. Poke out the corners and edges with the tip of your scissors.


Press the edges taut, tucking in the raw edges.


Topstitch along the entire edge. Our cape with hood is ready!

Find the webstory for the post here, Little Superhero: Reversible Hooded Cape
Pin it for later here:

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Monday 5th of August 2024

So cute, I would love to make this for my niece who is really into fairy tales. I don't see the pdf for the hood. Did you remove the link?


Wednesday 14th of August 2024

Please enter your email address and click the aubscribe button in the blue box to download the template.


Tuesday 10th of October 2023

Thanks for sharing your directions with us! It turned out great for this movie sewer!

Emily Maust

Thursday 24th of February 2022

Thank you!!


Tuesday 31st of March 2015

cool idea, i love it so much


Friday 18th of July 2014

This will be perfect for my daughter who will be accompanying her firefighting brother to a costume party. Thank you so, very much!!!!!