Matching Magic: Sew Ruffled Aprons for You & Your Little Chef!

sewcraftyme .com

Matching Magic: Sew Ruffled Aprons for You & Your Little Chef!

Matching Magic: Sew Ruffled Aprons for You & Your Little Chef!

Curved Arrow

– Medium-weight cotton fabric for the apron body- 1/3- 1/2 yard, depending upon the size you are making – Medium weight cotton fabric in four contrasting colors for the apron ruffles


White Scribbled Underline

Step 1

Gather the Supplies.

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Step 2

Take the apron body piece, fold the two side edges and the lower edge by 1/2 –inch twice and press to set.

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Step 3

Sew down the folds.

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Step 4

Take the ruffle pieces, fold the two side edges and the lower edge twice by ½-inch and press. Sew down the folds.

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Step 5

 Sew down the folds.

Scribbled Underline

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