Thick Brush Stroke

 A Basket with a Twist: DIY Bread Basket with Side Ties 


Thick Brush Stroke

Unleash your creativity with this DIY bread basket project featuring removable ties!

Thick Brush Stroke

This FREE tutorial guides you through the process of sewing a beautiful basket with ribbons that untie for easy storage

Gather the supplies

You have to cut 3 squares; two from the contrasting cotton fabric and one from the interfacing.

Cut the fabric and interfacing squares with the required dimensions as calculated above

Fuse the interfacing onto the wrong side of one of the fabric squares

Take the other fabric square and keep it over the fused fabric square

Sew along the three sides of the square with a 0.25″ seam, leaving one side open to turn the basket inside-out

Grab the full tutorial via link below